A Site Preference URL is required to properly encode PFR files. Could not record TrueDoc information for the font “^0”. Error encountered at unknown location during export. Error encountered while exporting Web Page background image. Error encountered while exporting a content list item. Error encountered while exporting some text. Error encountered while exporting a box. Error encountered while exporting an image. Text box angle, skew, or flip will not be retained in HTML unless set to ‘As Image.’ Overlapping boxes will produce unpredictable results. H&J optimal spacing settings in text cannot be retained in HTML. Small Caps text format cannot be retained in HTML. Baseline Shift cannot be retained in HTML. Kerning and/or Tracking cannot be retained in HTML. Horizontal or vertical text scaling cannot be retained in HTML. Outline and Shadow text styles cannot be retained in HTML. Drop Cap formatting will not be retained in HTML. Justified text will be output as left-aligned in HTML. Internal Error - Bad Hidden Text Version kListCantContainBlock, // (* unused *) Internal Error Unknown Box Type Internal Error - Unknown Tree Element Internal Error